7 Days Left Until University Starts

I can’t express with words how excited I am for this new journey that will be the next four years of my life.

Felipe Angelucci
4 min readAug 19, 2024


Photo by Anand Sahu on Unsplash

I feel excited, happy, and sad, but I don’t feel nervous.

It’s not the same feeling as high school. I wasn’t ever really excited about high school in a good way, but I was excited about senior year being the last year I would have to go to high school.

I don’t like the fact that I’ll need to spend the next 4 years of my life studying for a degree, but at least my university degree will allow me to work the jobs I want to work rather than the unskilled jobs that are available to me with my high school diploma.

I started taking school seriously in eighth grade in middle school, but now I’m actually going to take learning and studying for assessments seriously. I really want to get the best grades possible to be able to apply for all internships and jobs requiring high GPAs.

I know GPAs don’t dictate success in life, but I’ve always had a fairly high GPA, and I’d like to continue having a high GPA.

The most I ever studied was two hours in one session for a test. I’m going to bring my studying up (of course, with appropriate breaks in between) to four or even up to six hours per…



Felipe Angelucci

I write about what's on my mind. The topics I mainly write about are business, investing, entrepreneurship, productivity, and self-improvement.